Syncona’s approach to charity

We make an annual donation of 0.35% of NAV to The Syncona Foundation, which supports a range of charities, the majority of which focus on seeking treatments for or supporting patients with disease. In addition to this, the Syncona Investment Management Limited team directly support a number of other charitable partners.

Each year, Syncona provides a significant level of philanthropic funding to The Syncona Foundation; which has ambitions aligned to our vision to deliver transformational treatments for patients and through which we believe we contribute to the wider healthcare ecosystem.


Donation figures


Of NAV to Syncona Foundation


Donated to charity this year


Total donations to charities to date

We are committed to donating 0.35% of NAV to The Syncona Foundation on an annual basis. The Foundation typically provides funding to its charitable partners on an unrestricted basis, which gives charities the freedom to deploy money into the places they believe it can have the most impact.

In addition to support provided to The Syncona Foundation charitable partners, the team also provides direct support to The Windsor Fellowship, a charity which designs and delivers personal development and leadership programmes, with the goal of supporting minority communities as they pursue academic journeys within STEM.