Our model

A differentiated approach

We are focused on maximising value at all points of the investment cycle to deliver transformational treatments to patients, capture superior risk-adjusted returns for shareholders and build long-term value for all our stakeholders.

The core premise of our investment strategy is that significant risk-adjusted returns come when highly innovative technology is developed into a late-stage clinical product. Our model is to identify exceptional science and create or add companies which have the potential to develop products to late-stage development, where significant value can be accessed.

We then identify and appoint world class management teams to drive the business plan, and take a hands-on approach to driving value, including operational roles and Board seats.

Our deep pool of capital is fundamental to our model, it enables us to set up companies with ambition of taking products to market and to fund them over the long term, giving us the flexibility to be a significant shareholder at the point of late-stage development.

Rolling 10-year targets


Creating or adding 3 new companies a year based on exceptional science


We will achieve our portfolio target size of 20-25 companies targeting top quartile returns


Deliver 3-5 companies to late-stage development where we have significant ownership positions